
新版剑桥实用专业英语:医学英语(附答案) 平装新版剑桥实用专业英语



  • 著者:182777,183237,183238 
  • 出版时间:2020年06月本印时间:2020年06月
  • 版次:1印次:1页数:175页
  • 开本:16册数:1 卷数:1
  • ISBN:978-7-100-18320-8
  • 读者对象:医学专业人士和学生
  • 主题词:医学英语自学参考资料
  • 人气:727









显示全部目 录

1 Health and illness  10
A Asking about health
B Sickness
C Recovery
2 Parts of the body 1  12
A Parts of the body
B Referring to parts of the body
C Describing radiation of pain
3 Parts of the body 2  14
A The abdomen
B The chest
C The pelvis
4 Functions of the body  16
A Eating
B The fifi ve senses
C Other functions
D Less common functions
5 Medical practitioners 1  18
A Practitioners
B Specialties
C Choosing a specialty
6 Medical practitioners 2  20
A Hospital staff
B Medical teams
C Shifts
7 Nurses  22
A Nursing grades
B Support workers
C Specialization
D The nurse’s role
8 Allied health professionals  24
A Community health
B Technicians
C Prosthetists and orthotists
D Opticians
9 Hospitals  26
A Introduction to a hospital
B Outpatients
C Inpatients
10 Primary care  28
A The National Health Service
B The practice team
C A GP’s day
11 Medical education 1 30
A Medical education in the UK
B Extract from an undergraduate prospectus
C A student’s view
12 Medical education 2 32
A The Foundation Programme
B People in medical education
C Medical qualififi cations
13 The overseas doctor 34
A Types of registration
C PLAB stations and advice
14 Symptoms and signs  36
A Describing problems
B Presentation
C Talking about symptoms
15 Blood  38
A Full blood count
B Anaemia
C Pernicious anaemia
16 Bones  40
A Bones
B Fractures
C Treatment of fractures
17 Childhood  42
A Milestones
B Common infectious diseases
C Coeliac disease
18 The endocrine system  44
A Excess and defifi ciency
B Negative feedback systems
C Goitre
D A letter of referral
19 The eye  46
A Parts of the eye
B Examination of the eye
C Retinopathy
20 The gastrointestinal system  48
A Examination of the abdomen
B The faeces
21 Gynaecology  50
A The female reproductive system
B Menstruation
C A gynaecological consultation
D Contraception
22 The heart and circulation 1  52
A Shortness of breath
B Heart rhythm
C Heart failure
23 The heart and circulation 2  54
A Physical examination
B Examining the heart and circulation
24 Infections  56
A Fever
B Microorganisms
C Source and spread of infection
25 Mental illness  58
A Psychiatric disorders
B Substance abuse
C Affective disorders
D Neurotic and stress-related disorders
E Other types of functional disorder
26 The nervous system 1 60
A Sensory loss
B Motor loss
C Loss of consciousness
27 The nervous system 2 62
A The motor system
B Tendon reflfl exes
C Coma
28 Oncology  64
A Neoplasms
B Symptoms and signs of malignancy
C Treatment of tumours
29 Pregnancy and childbirth 66
A Childbirth
B Labour
C Presentation and lie
30 The respiratory system 68
A Cough
B Auscultation
31 The skin 1  70
A Some types of skin lesion
B Rashes
32 The skin 2  72
A Injuries to the skin
B Case report
C Sores
33 The urinary system  74
A Urinary symptoms
B Urinalysis

34 Basic investigations  76
A Ophthalmoscopy
B Blood pressure
C Taking blood
35 Laboratory tests  78
A A Microbiology test request form
B A Biochemistry and Haematology lab report
C Terms used to describe lab results
36 Endoscopy  80
A Functions of endoscopy
B Enteroscopy
C Report of a diagnostic endoscopy
37 X-ray and CT  82
A Radiography and radiology
B X-ray examination
C Computed Tomography
38 MRI and ultrasound  84
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
B Ultrasound
C Preparing for medical imaging
D Describing medical imaging
39 ECG  86
A Uses of an ECG
B ECG procedure
C A normal ECG
40 Medical treatment 88
A Prescriptions and drugs
B The British National Formulary
41 Surgical treatment 90
A The operating theatre
B Instruments
C The operation
D An operation report
42 Therapies  92
A Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
B A day in the life of a physiotherapist
C Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
43 Screening and immunization  94
A Screening
B Common screening tests
C Immunization for travellers
44 Epidemiology  96
A Rates
B Incidence and prevalence
C Association and causation
45 Medical ethics  98
A GMC guidelines
B Bioethical issues
C Assisted dying
46 Research studies 100
A Case-control studies
B Cohort studies
C Trials
D Variables
47 Taking a history 1 102
A A full case history
B Personal details
C Talking about pain
48 Taking a history 2 104
A Drug history
B Family history
C Social and personal history
49 Taking a history 3 106
A Reviewing the systems
B Asking about the central nervous system
C Patient ideas, concerns and expectations
D Phrasal verbs in history-taking
50 Physical examination 108
A Examining a patient
B Giving instructions
51 Mental state examination 110
A Some symptoms of psychiatric disorders
B Mood
C Typical questions from a mental state examination
52 Explaining diagnosis and management  112
A Explanations
B Using lay terms in explanations
C An explanation of angina
53 Discussing treatment  114
A Offering options
B Advising a course of action
C Advising patients to avoid something
D Warnings
54 Giving bad news  116
A Principles of giving bad news
B A consultant medical oncologist’s report
55 Data presentation 1 118
A Referring to a table or fifi gure
B Comparing variables
C Approximating
56 Data presentation 2  120
A Line graphs
C Describing trends
57 Research articles 122
A The structure of a research article
B Objectives
C Main fifi ndings
58 Abstracts  124
A Structured abstracts
B The BMJ abstract
59 Conference presentations  126
A The structure of a presentation
B The introduction
C Signalling
D The conclusion
60 Case presentations 128
A Sections of a case presentation
B Bedside presentation
C Slides
Appendix I  130
Parts of the body
Appendix II  131
Medical abbreviations
Appendix III  143
Types of medication
Appendix IV  144
Symptoms and pain
Appendix V  145
Verbs used in instructions
Appendix VI  146
Lay terms and defifi nitions
Answer key  147
Index  168


Henry Mintzberg, a Canadian professor of management, has made significant contributions to our understanding of managerial work and the role of the manager. He has identified different roles in a manager’s job and placed them in three categories:
Interpersonal roles – a manager is the figurehead, providing leadership for the team, the department or the organization and liaising with other stakeholders (both internal and external)
Information roles – a manager has to be an effective communicator as information constantly moves in, round and out of the organization
Decision roles – a manager has responsibility for spotting opportunities, allocating resources and dealing with conflict or the day-to-day differences that can arise in any team or organization.
Management practice
Pavel is speaking to some new recruits at a major firm of management consultants, where he is to be their mentor during the first six months:
‘Welcome to Delboi! I have three pieces of advice as you make the move from studying management to the real-world environment in which we work:
First: you need to be a team player. Our success here comes from collaborating with colleagues to create feasible solutions when we are interacting with clients.
Second: all the solutions that you recommend to our clients have to be practical rather than academic. You have to integrate what you have been learning and constantly challenge your own assumptions. You need to be able to develop creative thinking skills and discuss complex issues in the workplace from a ‘people perspective’.
And finally: if you do not know something, or if you are uncertain about how we do things
here, please ask!
‘We hope you enjoy your time here and we look forward to working with you.’