
牛津幼儿英汉彩图词典(附光盘) 牛津系列



  • 出版时间:2011年09月本印时间:2016年05月
  • 版次:1印次:5页数:106页
  • 册数:1
  • ISBN:978-7-100-03987-1
  • 主题词:牛津幼儿英汉彩图词典光盘
  • 人气:255




Debate has long existed among early childhood educators regarding optimal methods of teaching literacy to young children.In Hong Kong,with its strong emphasis on bi-literacy from a very early age,we face the additional challenge of ensuring that our children are given opportunities to develop language skills in appropriate contexts which provide tools to which they can relate .Without doubt,the Oxford First Learner's English-Chinese Picture Dictionary,with its context-friendly and developmentally-appropriate presentation,will be a widely used resource among parents and early childhood educators in Hong Kong.Specifically designed for young children in Hong Kong,this valuable glossary,with its amusing and engaging illustrations,provides opportunities for both written and oral language activities.The Dictionary also reflects an emphasis on recognition of children's mother tongue,as both words and phrases are presented using both English and Chinese characters simultaneously.This is sure to be enjoyed by parents,teachers and children around Hong Kong.
    一直以来,幼儿教育工作者都在研究教导儿童学习的最有效方法。香港十分重视幼儿的双语发展,因此,作为家长及教育工作者,我们需要确保孩子能透过不同的学习经验和生活化的题材,有意义地发展他们的语言能力。  《牛津幼儿英汉彩图词典》里亲切的图画及恰当的内容,将会是香港家长及幼儿教育工作者广泛使用的资源。这本词典特别为香港三至六岁的儿童而设计,图解精美而生动。此外,词典的词组及语句均以中、英文表达,让家长、教师能灵活地教导孩子学习语言。
                     Principal Maggie Koong



显示全部目 录

Foreword 序言
How to use the Dictionary 使用说明
Theme 1:All about me 介绍自己
   1 My face 我的脸
   2 My body 我的身体
   3 My family 我的家
   4 My bedroom 我的卧室
   5 My clothes  我的衣服
   6 My breakfast 我的早餐
Thme 2:At school 在学校里
   7 My school 我的学校
   8 My classroom 我的教室
   9 Story time 讲故事时间
   10 Music time 音乐课
   11 Games day 运动日
Thme 3:At home 在家里
   12 Doing homework 做功课
   13 Helping at home 在家中帮忙
   14 Having dinner 吃晚餐
   15 Having fun at home 愉快的家庭生活
   16 Taking a bath 洗澡
Thme 4:Places around my home 我家附近
   17 My town 我居住的市镇
   18 The park 公园
   19 The market 市场
   20 The supermarket 超级市场
   21 The fruit shop 水果店
Thme 5:Nice Weekends 愉快的周末
   22 The busy roads 繁忙的道路
   23 A sea tour 海上畅游
   24 A farm 农场
   25 The insect museum 昆虫馆
   26 The zoo 动物园
   27 The Ocean Park 海洋公园
   28 A department store 百货公司
   29 A birthday party 生日会
   30 A food fair 美食天地
Theme 6:People who help us 帮助我们的人
   31 Fire! 失火了!
   32 Where is my pet? 我的宠物在哪里?
   33 At the hospital 医院里
   34 A letter from my aunt 姑母的来信
Theme 7:Four seasons 春夏秋冬
   35 It is spring 春天到了
   36 I like summer 我喜欢夏天
   37 Cool autumn 凉快的秋天
   38 Cold winter 寒冷的冬天
Theme 8:Festivals 节日
   39 Chinese New Year 农历新年
   40 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
   41 Christmas 圣诞节
Theme 9:More to learn 多学一点
   42 Shapes 形状
   43 Colours 颜色
   44 Days of the week and months 星期和月份
   45 Time 时间
   46 Weather 天气
   47 Opposites(1) 反义词(1)
   48 Opposites(2) 反义词(2)
   49 Position 位置
   50 Numbers 数目
Index 索引
English alphabet and phonics 英语字母表及读音法
Answers 答案