2022 ISSUE 3
Lessons for Life Issue
In this issue, we investigate efforts to fill three vital gaps in China’s public education: on sex, death, and aesthetics. We also enter the world of UFO hunters; find out why young Chinese are giving up sugar; ask when domestic TV will get good female characters; talk to graffiti artists working with government; and more.
Lessons for Life
Chinese education is known for being academically rigorous, but what about learning outside the classroom? As the country pursues education reform, some voices in society also call for improving both children and adults’ knowledge about the important facts of life: sex and relationships, coming to terms with death, and developing good aesthetic tastes. In this issue’s cover story, we look at these initiatives and give China a report card from the “school of life.”
Feature Stories 主题故事
Close Encounters
Ufology was a little-known side effect of China’s reform era, a time when foreign cultural imports started a craze for all things extraterrestrial. Today, most UFO publications have shuttered and alien-investigators are niche hobbyists, but a booming sci-fi market and space exploration means people haven’t given up their dreams of finding the third kind.
Bitter Sweets
Sugar was once a rare treat in China, but syrupy milk tea is now sold in every major city, while diabetes and obesity are on the rise. As health-conscious consumers’ tastes sour, there’s a growing market for sugar-alternatives and sugar-free products, but can this really get China un-hooked from the sweet stuff?
Kaleidoscope 镜像中国
Most China
Inspired by the work of TWOC’s longtime collaborator Huang Ruide, TWOC is announcing a photo contest based upon the theme of Huang’s photo collection, “Most China,” which we’ve republished in part in this issue. From centuries-old folk culture to modern ingenuity, Huang’s photography captures the contrasts and extremes
in China’s grassroots. What do you feel most represents China?
Dragon’s Digest 三味书屋
Night Moves
In China’s wuxia novels, jianghu—the underworld of heroes and outlaws—is where the action takes place. In a humorous update on the archetypical martial arts novel, writer Hu Yuesheng transplants the jianghu’s quirky cast and its rigid codes of honor into two modern settings.
Group Think 群观
Everything Flies
Invented in the fourth century BCE, kites are a cultural emblem and a beloved form of recreation around China. But kite-flying today is growing more high-stakes, attracting competitive fliers from around the world to best one another on flying skill, kite size, and ambitious kite designs.
Pop Culture 星闻
Industrial Youths
With just two albums released in 20 years and an inactive Weibo account, Omnipotent Youth Society sounds like the antithesis of a millennial band. Yet the group of rockers from the industrial city of Shijiazhuang has achieved unlikely success among youths for their unique sound and prescient lyrics about the disconnect of modern life.
Gallery 水墨丹青
Written on the Walls
Started in the early 2000s on soon-to-be demolished buildings, graffiti has grown into a lucrative cultural industry in China. As artists gain commissions from governments and brands, and attract millions of followers online, has graffiti lost its counter-cultural roots?
On The Road 在路上
The Rough Side of Paradise
With balmy beaches and visa-free policies, Hainan is China’s best answer to a tropical paradise. But this island province also has a gritty history, hardscrabble fisheries, and shells of unfinished real estate. In this cross-island journey, our writer takes a beat-up motorcycle off the tourist trail to see another side of China’s southernmost province.
Bookmark 好书有笺
The Rouge Street Blues
Chinese literature in translation tends to feature the same cast of middle-aged, established authors. But Rouge Street, a new anthology of Shuang Xuetao’s novellas, bucks trends by presenting a 1980s-born author and his distinctive “Rust Belt” literature to an English-speaking audience.
Zoetrope 视听空间
Nü Perspectives
For many years now, Chinese film and TV has been littered with flat female characters. They are foils for the male
leads, objects for the audience to ogle, or “good” women motivated by pretty dresses and being a good mother, wife, or daughter. What is being done to add depth to women on screen?
You can find more written, visual, and audio content on our website, theworldofchinese.com, which is updated daily with news, opinion, analysis, language lessons, and more!
《汉语世界》是一份英文双月刊杂志,她通过鲜活有趣的故事、资讯为日益增长的汉语学习者和所有对中国感兴趣的人提供语言、文化信息,令读者在轻松阅读中收获乐趣与灵感。 杂志内容涉及人物、时事、历史、民俗、文化碰撞等方方面面,还与读者分享在中国的学习和生活经验、人情世故和逸闻趣事。在我们的旅游板块中可以读到“中国城市2日游”、“个人探险”等精彩文章;我们的商务板块令“老外”轻松获得在中国工作所需的各类实用的信息;而文化板块、封面故事则从多角度、多侧面展示传统文化和现代中国的发展趋势。 每篇专题文章后面都有附有趣味实用的中文单词、短语,供读者学习。每期有专门开设的语言专题,与读者分享汉语掌故、交际技巧和文化碰撞的趣闻。这些常设栏目将古老和现代的中国文化巧妙融合起来,通过一篇篇妙趣横生的文章展现给汉语学习者。杂志的设计融合了传统中国元素和现代国际化理念,每一页都像一件艺术品,令人赏心悦目。 2008年《汉语世界》获中国出版集团公司重大出版成就项目奖;2010年获得中国版协“2009年度输出版优秀图书奖”;2011年其“文化档案”栏目获得第四届中国出版集团出版奖优秀编辑奖和优秀栏目奖;2011-2013年,杂志内容更是多次被《中国日报》《华尔街日报》《卫报》等知名媒体转载,海外知名度日增。 《汉语世界》有一个国际化的团队,大家的语言文化背景各不相同,但相同的热忱、激情,和对中国语言文化的细腻感受都闪现在每一期杂志的字里行间。通过杂志网站,我们还开设了每日博客、上传关于汉语和中国文化的音频、视频,为读者提供更多、更丰富的资讯。www.theworldofchinese.com 欢迎关注新浪微博@汉语世界杂志社。 《汉语世界》的读者是一个巨大的宝库,他们来自世界各地,但都对中国热情高涨、充满渴求。无论是留学生、职场新秀,还是经验丰富的管理人员,无不渴望了解中华文化、商务资讯、人情世故和语言生活。 国内发行渠道覆盖:大使馆和领事馆,相关政府部门,商会,酒店和公寓,机场和航空公司,留学生管理办公室,国际学校,汉语培训中心,国际医疗服务,连锁店,餐馆和咖啡馆,外文书店,文化协会,等等。海外发行渠道覆盖:全世界数百所孔子学院,大学中文部,中文学校,等等。
The World of Chinese is a bi-monthly English magazine dedicated to Chinese language and culture. Our mission is to share stories that entertain, inform and connect the growing number of Chinese learners and people interested in China. Our content focuses on people, contemporary trends, history, customs, language learning and more. We share personal experiences, human interest and the lighter quirkier side of all things Chinese. Our cover stories focus interviews and in-depth report on China’s latest events and trends, striving to provide a comprehensive cultural background for language learners. Our travel features include visual stories as well as personal adventures from the distant mountain villages to the bustling cities. We publish original translations of some of the most brilliant contemporary Chinese writers for the world to enjoy. We also express environmental concerns in our green column, offer art, humor, food recipes and more. To facilitate language learning is always one of our biggest goals. Therefore, our feature articles are accompanied by fun and useful vocabulary section while language features provide handy speaking tips based on real-life cross-cultural scenarios. Regular columns present the old and modern with a fun twist and interactive, practical content for Chinese learners. The aesthetic of the magazine strives for a balance between modern design and traditional Chinese elements, creating unique illustrations and page layouts worth pasting on your wall.We also run daily blogs on current events, travel guides, street smarts, comics, language pieces and etc. on our website: www.theworldofchinese.com.
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